Sunday, October 7, 2001

Fville firefighters appreciate local support for drive

Fayetteville residents responded overwhelmingly to the recent boot drive firefighters conducted to help victims of the recent terrorist attack in New York, according to Fire Chief Alan Jones.

A combined boot drive with the Fayetteville Fire Department and the Fayette County Department of Fire and Emergency Services has collected over $80,000 so far.

"We express sincere appreciation for the response we have had," Jones said.

Proceeds will be donated to the American Red Cross and the New York Fire Relief Fund, both of which have been confirmed as legitimate charities assisting victims in the aftermaths of the attacks.

The boot drive was almost "demanded" by the public, who kept coming by and calling the department to see if there was anything they could do for victims of the attacks, Jones said. He added that people young and old got involved in the campaign.

The incident that sparked shock nationwide has also increased the local public's appreciation for firefighters, Jones noted.

"We have people come by and bring us food and let us know how much they appreciate us, and that means a lot to us," Jones said. "It's almost overwhelming. ... People are realizing it is a dangerous job."

John Munford

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