Friday, October 5
, 2001

Commissioner Webster calls it quits

Commissioner Karen Elaine Webster announced Tuesday that she will not seek a second term to the District 2, at-large seat on the Fulton County Board of Commissioners.

She won election to her seat in November 1998, becoming the first female to hold a countywide position on the board.

Webster called for "fiscally sound government" priorities during her tenure, and sponsored and cosponsored resolutions that strengthened the Capital Improvement Program process, she said.

She also pointed with pride to having prompted research of county revenue enhancements, required strong review of the fiscal impact of board actions, established program measurements for all county departments, created a Citizens Budget Task Force, involving citizens at the beginning of the budget process, enforced Purchasing Department vendor evaluations, and discontinued financing of capital improvement projects through the issuance of certificates of participation without voter referendum approval.

She sponsored the Call to Womanhood Program, a forum to assist at-risk young ladies, cosponsored legislation to protect youths from child exploitation, and spearheaded research on equal pay status for Fulton County female and minority employees.

Webster said she plans to continue these priorities throughout the fourth year of her term.

"Almost three years ago, I was elected by the citizens of Fulton County to represent them on the Fulton County Commission as the commissioner for District 2, at-large," said Webster.

"It has been an honor and a pleasure to do so. I truly have enjoyed and appreciated this opportunity to render public service. I look forward with much anticipation to the fourth year of my term.

"My major focus as a member of the Board of Commissioners has been to ensure that the county is fiscally sound," she said. "The citizens need to know that their government is managing their tax dollars efficiently and responsibly. That goal has been achieved with the help of the entire Fulton County Board of Commissioners. The Finance Department has recently advised that the county should end 2001 with over a $100 million fund balance.

"In addition to focusing on the fiscal health of the county, I have worked with my colleagues to assure equal representation for all citizens. I have taken all the necessary steps to consider each issue on the facts and merit, not as black or white, north or south, or Republican or Democrat. This has allowed me to serve Fulton County as one county. I hope that in so doing I have made a worthwhile contribution.

"Public service is a privilege," she said, "and I am pleased to have had the opportunity to serve the citizens of Fulton County. It is with a heavy heart that I have made the determination at this time to bring my tenure as a member of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners to an end with the completion of this term.

"I want to thank my supporters, including my family, friends, coworkers and staff. Their unfailing support has been and continues to be critical to my success. Also, I want to especially acknowledge Beers Construction Company for so generously giving me the time to serve my community. I hope that other corporations will follow the lead of Beers Construction Company and allow their employees an opportunity to become public servants.

"I must thank the citizens of this wonderful county for allowing me to represent their interests."

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