Friday, October 5
, 2001

Williams: Power plant info delayed by 9/11 attacks


Curious residents in South Fulton and Fayette counties will have to wait a few more weeks before getting anymore information from the Williams Companies.

Duffey Communications representative Brian Rubenstein said the company plans to release results of its latest studies by the end of this month.

"Everything was set back a little with the events of Sept. 11," he said.

The company wants to build a power plant on a 288-acre site in South Fulton County and has been gathering more studies and information to present to the residents during the last month.

Part of the information released could also contain results and pictures of the company's visual impact study.

Last month, the company raised an orange balloon over the site to show residents how high the power plant's stacks would reach.

The company took pictures of the balloon from several different vantage points and will be able to present a virtual reality tour of the site when the pictures are processed.

Company spokesman Paula Hall-Collins said the company also will have still pictures available for residents to view. In the interim, she said Williams is trying to get answers that residents want on environmental and air quality issues.

"We're not trying to hide anything," she said.

Once the answers are gathered, she said the company will stage several more public meetings to present the answers and get more questions.

The application to rezone the property from residential to industrial is slated to be heard before the Fulton County Board of Commissioners in early 2002.

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