Friday, October 5
, 2001

South Fulton to have two congressmen


U.S. Rep. John Lewis' 5th District, which includes part of South Fulton, remains relatively intact following redistricting, while a new 13th District hotly pursued by at least two Democratic heavyweights will encompass part of South Fulton as well.

The state Legislature adjourned Saturday after completing the task of redrawing congressional districts to conform to the 2000 U.S. Census. The legislative body had earlier finished new state House and Senate maps.

The maps are redrawn every ten years to adjust for changes in census figures.

State Sen. Greg Hecht [see related story] and Democratic Party Chairman David Worley have already announced they'll run for the new seat, and Rep. Donzella James of South Fulton also has been testing the waters with an exploratory committee.

"I am proud of the work of the state Senate in helping us achieve a congressional map that accurately reflects Georgia, while providing current representatives in Congress with an opportunity to run again next year if they choose to," said Lt. Gov. Mark Taylor following adjournment. "This map is good for all of Georgia," he added.

"It's a great map," said Hecht, whose current 34th District includes part of South Fulton. Hecht and Taylor are both Democrats.

Republican leaders were less pleased.

U.S. Rep. Mac Collins, R-3rd, said the map unfairly splits cities and counties among congressional representatives. It is rumored that Collins is considering a run for U.S. Sen. Max Cleland's seat.

"I am disturbed by the way the Legislature has ignored the economic interests of many of the regions under redistricting," Collins said in a prepared statement.

"The current plan divides 15 of 18 counties, which were the basis of the 3rd District [currently represented by Collins], between two or three members of Congress," he added. "While in the past, we have been able to work with other members to adequately provide representation for these regions, further dividing these counties and regions will make it manifoldly more difficult to come to consensus on issues concerning these areas."

Collins said for his part he will continue to treat entire counties as if he is their representative. "I will not concern myself with where in a county a need arises, but will continue to work for the best interest of the entire county, and the entire state," he said.

He stressed that the process of redrawing district lines if "far from completed. The new districts must pass [U.S.] Justice Department review, and it is highly likely, given the manner that this map was drawn, that there will be various legal challenges to the plan."

State Republican leaders Wednesday called on state Democrats to fund their own defense to such legal challenges, rather than using state funds, saying the process has been entirely political and should be defended using campaign funds.

State Sen. Mitch Seabaugh of Sharpsburg, who represents parts of Fayette and Coweta, spoke from the Senate floor Friday, saying the map insures the Democrats will be able to elect whom they want to Congress.

Seabaugh said the process was "not a demonstration of good, open and honest government" and he was critical of the lack of public input the redistricting process received before it was approved.

"This congressional map and the atmosphere this map and the other redistricting maps has created is not one of unity and respect for one neighbor," Seabaugh said. "This map, these sessions have been divisive. They have put one party over the interests of the people of Georgia."

"It looks like a bunch of worms all gathered together," said state Rep. Kathy Cox of Peachtree City. "It's an ugly, ugly map."


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