Wednesday, October 3, 2001

Walk co-chairs active in community


Fred Brown and Iola Snow are two names known to many in the Fayette County area. Both are active in many areas of the community and are currently serving as co-chairs of the 2nd Annual Memory Walk to benefit the Alzheimer's Association.

Their involvement in the community and their church is what drew them together. Both are active members of the First Presbyterian Church in Peachtree City. Iola chairs the church's greeting program, is the wedding coordinator for the church and ushers during services. Fred operates the music system during weddings and other events, is on the Building and Grounds Committee and is the Usher Coordinator for the 11 o'clock service.

A few years ago Iola started the Greeting Program for the church. Brown was one of a group of 25 plus Iola called on occasionally to serve as a greeter. Over time the two talked more and more, getting to know each other.

When Iola received a call one Saturday night from Fred, she automatically assumed he was calling her to stand in for him as an usher. To her surprise he was calling to ask her to dinner after church. Two years later they are still sharing after-church dinners and have added playing golf, sharing new committee duties and a few more dinners a week to their growing list of things to do together.

Iola moved to Peachtree City in 1996. She worked as a legal secretary for 11 years before joining Big Star in the same capacity. She progressed up the corporate ladder to become the Benefits Administrator.

Retirement for some might mean kicking back and relaxing. For Iola retirement just meant changing hats. In addition to her many duties with the church, she is the chair of the Planterra Ridge Hospitality Committee, serves as an Assistant Poll Manager during elections, plays golf and is a member of a senior bowling league in Newnan.

She was a natural when the time came to volunteer to help for the Memory Walk. While working for Big Star, she was involved with the March of Dimes walk for ten years. Last year Iola served as the Team Walk Chair for the walk ultimately attracting 61 teams.

The number of residents has increased by more than 10,000 since Fred Brown was mayor of Peachtree City a little over ten years ago, so many of the newer residents may not be familiar with his name in that regard. However, there are few in Peachtree City, or Fayette County, who are not familiar with the popular Frederick Brown Jr. Amphitheater, which was named in his honor.

Fred has made a number of friends through the years as a result of his 21-year involvement with the Peachtree City Kiwanis. He is actively involved in the many activities of the civic group. The list of charities and community events Fred has been involved with is long. He has continued to be involved politically, works the polls during elections and has been behind the scenes in the support of many good causes in the community.

When asked by Floy Farr, the instigator of the southside Memory Walk, to help out Fred says he didn't have a choice. "I don't know of anyone who has ever said no to Floy," he said. "He's such a nice person."

Fred served as the Logistics Chair for the 2000 Walk.

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