The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, October 3, 2001

Flat Rock students first in school system to make donation to American Red Cross

One day after terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Flat Rock Middle School set a goal to raise $1,000 in five days for the American Red Cross.

Students were asked to donate loose change for a relief fund that would go to help the attack victims, their families and rescue personnel. Instead of asking their parents for additional change to make a donation, the school challenged the students to make personal sacrifices such as foregoing buying an ice cream or extra French fries at lunch. The students listened and in just five days ended up raising more than $1,500 for the American Red Cross.

"We told them that they could get their moms' and dads' money and that the Red Cross would accept that, but it would mean more to them personally if they gave up something of theirs for someone else," said Mikie Emerson, a teacher who spearheaded the fundraiser at the school.

In honor of the students' efforts, faculty and administrators organized a patriotic school-wide assembly to officially donate the money raised to the American Red Cross. Ashley Pack, eighth grade, started the program by leading the school's students and faculty in the Pledge of Allegiance. Alice Crisp, seventh grade, followed the Pledge with the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner." The Flat Rock Middle Symphonic Band provided music to "America, the Beautiful" while the entire student body sang the lyrics.

"Today you have done a great thing. We are very proud of you," said Principal Tyrone Jones.

Ruben Brown of the American Red Cross was at the assembly to accept the donation. An additional $500 was donated by the school's PTO, band and athletic boosters to raise the total amount to more than $2,000.

"So many times people think of young adults as self centered and self serving. Today you have proven them wrong," said Brown as he accepted the donation.

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