The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, October 3, 2001

Commission denies one-acre zoning on 85, grants two-acre


If developer Michael Faulkner wants to build a new neighborhood on Ga. Highway 85 next to Whitewater Middle School, he'll have to put the homes on two-acre lots.

Faulkner had asked the County Commission to place 124.4 acres into an R-55 zoning district, which allows one-acre lots, but instead commissioners approved a change to R-75 zoning, which requires minimum two-acre lots.

The vote was unanimous.

"A-R [agricultural-residential, the property's previous zoning category] is no longer appropriate" due to development surrounding the property, said Commissioner Linda Wells, "but we need to put the zoning on the property that would have the smallest impact possible on the neighborhood."

Faulkner argued that, with 61 percent of adjoining property already zoned for one-acre development, the change made sense in spite of the fact that the county land use plan calls for larger lots, but commissioners said they are concerned about traffic around the school as well as the additional school population the proposed subdivision would generate.

Faulkner said his plans for the development included extending Christopher Drive, which he said would improve the traffic situation, but Wells said adding more vehicles would cause a traffic problem regardless of the extension.

Faulkner had planned to put 73 homes on the land, devoting several acres to green space, but under the change approved by the commission, will be limited to a maximum of about 54, if he decides to go ahead with the project.

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