Friday, September 14
, 2001

Union City officials: Withdraw power plant proposal


Union City Mayor Ralph Moore became the first public official to call for Williams Companies to seek another site for its proposed power plant.

Moore made the statement at a press conference last Friday and said he had received many letters from residents concerned about the massive project.

The mayor said it would be inappropriate for him to comment on any specific aspect of the company's zoning proposal since the city would be considering a request from the company in early 2002, but said he could discuss the fear of many of his city's residents.

"Many of these suffering from this anxiety are those in the golden years of life. It is for those who fought a major war and depression that I call upon the Williams Company as both mayor of this great city and as a recent grandfather to rescind your petition for rezoning to both Fulton County and Union City," he said.

Moore concluded his statement by saying that corporate responsibility can be just as energetic as the watts of electricity that flow through the lines.

Councilwoman Shirley Jackson, who showed up at the end of the conference, echoed Moore's sentiments.

"I'd like to say that I would like for them to withdraw their rezoning. That area is not the best place for it near children, the elderly and a nursing home. It is the wrong place at the wrong time. I sometimes think South Fulton is considered the dumping ground for the metro area. We've always made tough decisions to protect Christian City and its life-style."

Williams Companies spokesman Paula Hall-Collins said she appreciates the mayor's comments, but said the company is still going ahead with the process, because company officials want to make sure all the information is available.

"We're moving forward and very close to being able to show some of the retooling we've done after listening to the concerns," she said.

After all the facts are released, Hall-Collins emphasized the company would not do anything to cause damage to anyone's health.

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