Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Commercial property is key in Fayette

To the average person, real estate is a place to live.

But while residential property is bought and sold on a daily basis in Fayette and elsewhere, just as much attention if not more is given to commercial real estate, whether it be office, retail or industrial property.

Commercial real estate is important to everyone because it determines where and how far you drive to the store. When a company locates on a commercial site here, for many workers it means the difference between a lenghty commute to Atlanta and being able to work down the street from home.

Proper use of commercial land also means added revenue for local governments. Property taxes are significantly higher for land that is zoned for commercial use, and it is not unusual for a large company to pay several hundred thousand dollars each year in property taxes money that pays for local needs for local residents, such as roads, schools and emergency services.

Business and government leaders in Fayette work constantly to find the right mix of residential and commercial development, both in size and location, so that businesses can coexist peacefully with local residents and help keep the economy growing so that everyone in Fayette can continue to enjoy a high standard of living.

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