The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Schools on alert following attacks


Fayette County schools were on alert status Tuesday following terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C.

"We typically do that when we have a national crisis like this," said School System spokesman Melinda Berry-Dreisbach.

Alert status means teachers and administrators are on lookout for any suspicious characters or devices, and side and back doors are locked so that anyone entering the bulidings must use the front doors.

Following a meeting of top system administrators Tuesday, extracurricular activities for the day were cancelled, Dreisbach said, adding that plans were to resume all activities Wednesday.

Dreisbach said school officials didn't expect any trouble, but felt precautions were called for.

Schools did not bring in additional counselors in case students need to talk. Each school has at least one conselor, and Dreisbach said if numbers of students asking for counseling become to great, additional counselors will be brought in.