Sunday, September 9, 2001

Take time to make time

Contributing Writer

In today's busy families where both parents frequently work outside the home it is easy to become overwhelmed when we realize there are only 24 hours in a day.

Maybe it's always been like that for the working class in this land and around the world. Nevertheless, each week we are all allotted 168 hours.

Time is the most precious commodity with which we are blessed. And, yes, it may seem like some folks have more of it than others, but it only seems that way. The truth may be that some folks just manage their time better than others. Like money. And like money, it's extremely important that we invest our time wisely over the years in order to prepare for the future.

So, how do we begin to wisely use our time? We should choose to invest a committed amount each day and each week. In what should we invest it in order to gain the most dividends?

How about others. Yes, others. Not to the exclusion of caring for one's self for it is virtually impossible to wisely love another if we do not love and care for ourselves. (Remember when Jesus talked about the greatest commandment. He said we are to love the Lord God with all our heart, soul and mind. Then he said the second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.)

There is great joy in actively, faithfully and wisely loving others. In caring for another, directly or indirectly, we expand our worlds. To the degree that we can love and share our gifts, talents and resources we are blessed. In other words, when we cast our bread upon the waters it does return again unto us.

How does that concept work? Let's consider a one-week period 168 hours in our lives. Let's start with the weekend.

Saturday Look around your home for some magazines that can be passed on. Pass them on to a neighbor on a limited income who would appreciate the opportunity to read more or to the residents of a nearby retirement home, nursing home or local senior citizens center. Chances are, while you look around for magazines, you will come across a few books that are gathering dust. Donate them to you local library. Pray that others will be entertained and blessed by your donation.

Sunday Take a moment to give someone a hug. Smile into the heart of a friend or a stranger. Read the Bible. Pray for guidance as you seek to wisely invest your time.

Monday Have a conversation today with somebody with whom you have never talked in the past. Quickly exchanged greetings or superficial sentences about the weather are not conversations. Go for eye contact. Speak softly. Listen well. Later, pray for that person.

Tuesday Early in the day, call a friend and tell them you love them. Is "love" too strong for you? Then tell them you appreciate them and point out a time when they especially enriched your life. Tell them you are remembering what their friendship means to you. Pray for them later in the day.

Wednesday Leave a note of appreciation somewhere for someone. Be specific. Mention something they have said or done recently or in the past that encouraged you or still encourages you today. (This is especially important if you are feeling distanced from that person.) Pray for them as you write the note.

Thursday Share a cup of coffee, tea or a meal with someone. At home, at work or at play take time to share, to taste, to enjoy. Sit while you do it. Don't look rushed. Don't sound rushed. Don't be rushed. For five or 20 or 60 minutes make the sharing of food or drink the most important thing in your life. Pray for that person before you go to bed.

Friday You're tired. The week is almost over. You may be thinking only of how ready you are to crash and burn for just a little while. Look around you for someone who is more tired, someone who has more responsibilities than you do at home or at work. Encourage that person. How? Don't ask me. As you pray for them, ask God.

These daily activities should take no more than seconds or minutes of your time and some corner of your heart and life will be happier because of the effort. Be creative. Look for ways to serve others. To encourage. To care. By the time investing in others becomes a way of life the wealth you will have begun to amass will be immeasurable. The dividends are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Your future will be secure.

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