The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, Septembder 5, 2001

Fayette Middle evacuated after gas leak

A damaged gas line at a nearby construction site led to the evacuation of Fayette Middle School at about 11 a.m. Friday, but students returned to the school around 12:30 without any problems.

There were no illnesses or injuries as a result of the leak, which was caused when workers accidentally hit a gas line that was not marked, according to school system spokesman Melinda Berry-Dreisbach.

The Fayette Middle students were taken to nearby Spring Hill Elementary, and emergency personnel advised Spring Hill students housed in trailers to come into the main building. The incident did not impede any classes or activities at Spring Hill.

When Fayette Middle students returned to their campus, sixth-graders ate their regular lunch in the cafeteria while students in the seventh and eighth grades ate in their classrooms, courtesy of several local businesses who donated food from local restaurants. School was dismissed on scheduled Friday afternoon without incident, Berry-Dreisbach said.

Monroe Roark

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