Sunday, August 26, 2001

"Today Is a Rough Diamond Filled With Opportunity"

Religion Columnist

The bumper sticker read, "I'm a lover, I'm a fighter, I'm a wild bull rider." I laughed as I noticed it wasn't placed on the bumper of some jacked up pickup truck with a Confederate flag draped across the gun rack. Instead, it was displayed on a Nissan driven by some petite brunette driving along I-285 on her lunch break.

The preacher in me got to thinking that there has to be a good sermon illustration in that bumper sticker statement somewhere, or at least a column idea. It hit me as I began to think about what a rough day this particular Monday had been: that's how some people approach every day.

They view life as a wild bucking bull with which to fight and wrestle. They see each day as time to dread instead of an opportunity to embrace. They see life as a bucking bull from which to be thrown. Instead of getting up right away, dusting themselves off and moving forward, they land hard and stay down.

These people make themselves and those around them miserable as they go through each day griping, complaining, grumbling and sour. They are people who feel that if you come to the end of a perfect day, it probably isn't over yet.

Then I recalled what Paul told us in the letter to the Philippians: "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice." Rejoice is a command, not a suggestion. And it is to be not an occasional rejoicing, but a continuous practice that is a part of our life. Our resource for rejoicing, according to Paul's writing in Philippians 4:4, is "in the Lord." God gives us sunshine in our lives even if circumstances seem cloudy. The circumstances can never be the source of joy because circumstances are always changing and they are sometimes not too happy. Then to emphasize the necessity of rejoicing, Paul repeats the command.

Whether or not your day is good or bad depends on your perspective. How can you approach each day to make it a good one?

Start each day with the realization that this day is a gift from God. Psalm 118:24 reads, "this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." Determine from the beginning to make this a good day.

Then before your feet hit the floor, thank God for this gift, and ask Him to guide you through it, making the most of your time. Ask Him to help you exercise the choice to rejoice whatever the day brings.

Master your mindset. Have a "this-is-it-let's-make-it-a-good-one" approach. Realize that even if you cannot control outside circumstances, you can control your response. Deciding not to gripe and grumble is a conscious choice.

Then determine to live for today. Do not worry about yesterday's mistakes or tomorrow's possible calamities. See today as a diamond in the rough ready to be polished and lived with gusto. We each have 24 hours. What will we do with this gift of today?

(Dr. Chancey is pastor of McDonough Road Baptist Church, Fayetteville. The congregation meets at 352 McDonough Road. Join them for Bible study at 9:45 a.m. and worship at 10:55 a.m.).

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