Friday, August 24
, 2001

Power plant threatens health of senior citizens in S. Fulton

I have lived on Peters Road in South Fulton County for the past 31 years, less than a mile from the proposed Williams power plant. This morning I attended a Town Hall Meeting at Christian City, which is an elderly retirement community consisting of residential homes, assisted living complex, convalescent center, hospice and children's homes, also located in close proximity to the proposed plant.

I was touched to the point of tears as one lady expressed her concern over how was she going to cope should this plant with all its pollution go in, because even now with her asthma there are days when she has difficulty breathing and cannot go outside. Another lady said to me that no one cares about them because they don't have many years left to live anyhow.

Our most precious generation is being threatened! It is unconscionable to me that there is not an uproar in our community that can be heard all the way to our state capitol. We must not allow tax dollars to be traded for the health of our citizens, especially our priceless senior citizens!

Betty T. Smith


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