Friday, August 24
, 2001

Say 'NO' to Williams

As a born in Atlanta resident, now making my home in Union City, my wife and I are moved to comment on the current Williams electric plant controversy.

We live in Golden Oaks, between Christian City and the proposed site.

As minister of Southwest Christian Church for 38 years, Dura and I were active in the founding of Christian City, the Southwest Christian Hospice, The Bedford School, just opening in its new building on Milam Road in Fairburn, and now as residents in a great neighborhood, several hundred yards from this proposed plant, we are compelled to speak out against this plant being constructed in this area.

The reasons are almost too obvious to number, but to face the possibility of this huge plant, perhaps the first of its size in our country, being just yards away from our home and thousands of others in this area demands that we say an emphatic "NO" to Williams!

The some 1,100 residents in Christian City alone is a reason for every person in any place of responsibility in our area to speak, and fight, for the blocking of this plant. This is NOT just a "not in my back-yard" complaint.

This proposed plant is a definite and deadly threat to ALL the people of South Fulton, Fayette, East Cowetta, areas of Henry and Clayton, and indeed the counties that lie in the windward area in our state.

Our governor has said it's not for his decision. I dispute that and urge him to take his place as a defender of this area! The County Commission of Fulton and the City Council persons of Union City and adjacent cities and counties must stand up against this plant's construction.

It looks like easy tax money for them to approve such a hugh plant which would obviously bring much money into the city, county and state tax coffers, but at what cost?

Your paper seems to be one exception in the "official" sector of our area.

Thank you for giving citizens an ear and pointing out the true dangers in this matter. It is my prayer that all concerned will do the right thing in this matter!

Anyone who heard the Williams spokesman answer Bob Crutchfield of Christian City as he asked, "If we show you documents from medical and environmental experts and authorities, would you change your plans to build in this area?" Folks, the answer was a one-word answer, "NO!"

We say "NO!" to the building of this plant in this place!

James W. Dyer

Union City


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