Friday, August 24
, 2001

Personnel, honors occupy school board

During its Aug. 10 board meeting, the Fulton County Board of Education honored serveral groups. Amomg the honorees:

A team of Roswell High School students received recognition for their outstanding performance in Odyssey of the Mind competition. After placing first in the state, the team competed in World Odyssey of the Mind finals this summer, earning fourth place in their division and receiving the Runatra Fusca Award for Outstanding Creativity.

Team members are seniors Adam Herndon and Dave Miyakawa, juniors Jamie Hain and David Wong, and sophomores Kevin Song and David Holt. Carol Skaggs is the coach.

The following Fulton County School System employees were honored for their recent accomplishments and recognitions.

Doeford Shirley, Independence High Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year.

Marilyn Udeh, Tri-Cities High Junior Achievement of Georgia Teacher of the Year and Georgia Association for Career and Technical Education Teacher of the Year.

Erica Richardson, Mt. Olive Elementary VITA Wireless Samaritan Award.

Wilma Gibbs-Matthews, Purchasing Department 2001 Pinnacle Award from the Association of School Business Officials for work on the department's Web site.

Wade Smith, Transportation Department Fulton County and 5th District winner of the School Bus Road-e-o.

The board also approved several business partners. In compliance with the A+ Education Reform Act, business representatives were appointed to serve on the school councils at Love T. Nolan Elementary, Webb Bridge Middle, and Independence High.

In other news, the board :

Saw an architectural presentation. Architects from the firm of Perkins and Will presented the recommended design for the new high school prototype building.

The design, if approved, will be used at the Preston Ridge high school site. The architectural firm was selected following a design competition similar to the process used to develop the system's current elementary and middle school prototype buildings.

The Community Construction Advisory Committee will review the design prior to final approval by the board in September.

To avoid conflicts with the CRCT testing dates, the April 26 teacher work day for College Park Elementary, Fulton's only year-round school, has been changed to April 29.

The board also approved a request from Cosmos Science Academy to postpone opening of that charter until the 2002-2003 school year.

Information was presented on proposed attendance zones for the Parsons Road high school site. The zone lines, to be voted on in September, were drawn following several public community meetings.

Policies and procedures. The policy and procedure review schedule was presented for information. A new policy and procedure governing gender equity in sports received a first reading. Approved were revisions to the administrative records policy and procedure, and changes to the transfers and withdrawals procedure as required by the A+ Education Reform Act.

The Personnel Action Report and the superintendent's recommendations for promotion and separation received approval, including:

New hires

F Robert Abernathy, psychologist with Bartow County Schools, to school psychologist.

F Ann Brumby, contracted school psychologist with Fulton County School System, to school psychologist.

F Nancy Connor, Georgia State University fraduate research assistant, to school psychologist.

F Lori Francis, psychologist with Hempstead Public Schools, to school psychologist.

F Robyn Liebman, psychologist with Elwyn, Inc., to school psychologist.

F Mary Lowman, University of Georgia student, to school psychologist.

F Nadine Snow, psychologist with Baldwinsville Central School District, to school psychologist.

F Sari Wachtel, psychologist intern with Cobb County Schools, to school psychologist.


F Barbara Hill, area superintendent, to associate superintendent for instructional services.

F Iris Moran, Oak Knoll Elementary principal, to area superintendent.

F Charlene Pope, school nutrition specialist, to equipment administrator with capital programs and school nutrition.


F Adrian Bailey, communication specialist, information and community relations.

F Lucinda Grapenthin, school psychologist.

F Elizabeth Lebeau, school psychologist.

Job description revision. To assist with the system's focus on data collection and results, the job title and description of the currently vacant director of applications and systems position has been changed to database administrator. This change is a result of a recent organizational review


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