Friday, August 10, 2001

PTC Planning Commission to review subdivision north of Wynnmeade


A concept plan to add 107 homes in a subdivision north of the Wynnmeade subdivision will be considered by the Peachtree City Planning Commission at its regular meeting Monday night.

Also up for consideration will be plans for a second phase of the retail center on Ga. Highway 74 North at Wisdom Road and a second phase of the Kedron Estates subdivision on Astoria Lane.

The subdivision proposed to the north of Wynnmeade, called Live Oaks, would be accessed by a road built off the future extension of MacDuff Parkway. Plans also call for the subdivision to be linked to Wynnmeade via Wynnmeade Drive and North Meade Drive.

The Planning Commission tabled the matter at its last meeting as several commissioners indicated more work needed to be done on the plan. Wayne Roberts of the Wynnmeade Homeowners Association met with Marvin Isenberg of Piedmont Properties to discuss the plans for the first time just minutes before the planning commission convened its meeting.

Roberts contended that most of the Live Oaks subdivision should be developed before access is allowed to Wynnmeade Parkway and North Meade Drive to keep construction traffic from entering Wynnmeade.

He also said the main entrance to the subdivision should be off MacDuff Parkway.

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