Friday, August 10, 2001

Consultant recommened to evaluate Peachtree City stormwater program


At its meeting Thursday night, the Peachtree City Council will consider a proposal to hire a consultant to evaluate the city's stormwater system and develop a stormwater management plan for the future.

The plan is necessary to meet a requirement of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division which requires cities to develop stormwater management programs. City Engineer Troy Besseche is proposing that the city hire a consultant who would make a presentation on the matter to council at its annual retreat in March.

The EPD is requiring cities to adopt stormwater action plans by the first quarter of 2003.

The consultant will evaluate the city's stormwater system, review water quality data and hold a series of meetings develop a direction for the program, according to a memo to council from Besseche.

The budget for the consultant is set at $75,000 and would require an extra $25,000 in the upcoming budget which currently has $50,000 tabbed for the stormwater program.

The City Council previously discussed possibly turning over the stormwater management program to the Peachtree City Water and Sewer Authority since it already has much of the equipment needed to maintain and improve the system.

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