Friday, August 10, 2001

Lenox suggests council pay raise


Peachtree City Mayor Bob Lenox is pushing for a pay increase for City Council members.

Lenox, who is in his last term as mayor, said serving on council is more involved than many think.

"I think it's a job that takes a considerable amount of time," Lenox said, adding that he feels he can push for the pay raise since it won't affect him.

Lenox said he has been studying how other cities of similar size compensate council members and he would present those results to council in the future.

Councilwoman Carol Fritz, whose current term expires the end of this year, agreed it can take more time than others realize. "It has been more demanding than just a part-time job," she said.

Fritz said she is aware that other cities offer retirement benefits to council members, although she doesn't think it is necessary for Peachtree City to do so.

"We don't do this for the big bucks," Lenox said, adding that many council members choose to pay for their expenses out of pocket. Council members can be reimbursed for certain expenses.

Currently, the mayor receives a $9,000 annual salary while council members receive $6,000 each. Lenox suggested increasing those numbers by $3,000.

City Attorney Rick Lindsey said council could consider adopting the pay raises with a provision that it would affect none of the current council members.

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