Friday, August 10, 2001

City approves council and mayor salary hike


The Senoia City Council decided Monday night to raise the salary of the mayor and council members.

Council has been debating the issue for several months and has conducted surveys of neighboring municipalities to determine salary structures.

Earlier this summer, the council recommended changing the mayor's salary from $500 a month to $1,000 a month and the council members' salary from $100 to $200 a month.

The pay raise takes effect next January, after the mayor's seat and two council posts are decided in a November election.

In deciding to up the salaries, Mayor Joan Trammell asked the council if it was ready to vote on the issue or wanted to study it further. She said the issue had been properly advertised and the matter was in the council's hands.

City Councilman Bob Hannah said it was time to resolve the issue and made a motion to increase the salaries.

The measure passed unanimously.

In other news, the City Council:

F Agreed to reallocate some of the funds from the current special purpose local option sales tax. Trammell said there was still money left over in the accounts for projects that came in under budget.

With the excess funds totalling over $200,000, Trammell recommended the city use some of the money to reopen the wooden bridge on Bridge Street.

She said it would take $25,000 to replace the pilings and make the bridge safe for vehicle traffic.

The rest of the funds would be used to purchase a five-acre tract on Pylant Street for a city well and build sidewalks from Ga. Highway 16 through downtown to the new bridge on Rockaway Road.

F Announced the council meeting set for Sept. 3 is cancelled because of the labor day holiday.

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