Friday, August 10, 2001

Commission wants Solicitor at meetings


Any further skirmishes between the Coweta County Commission and State Court Solicitor Robert Stokely will take place in the commission chambers, instead of newspaper columns.

County Commissioner Vernon "Mutt" Hunter said during Tuesday morning's meeting that he was tired of Coweta County Administrator Theron Gay having to spend all his time in a letter writing campaign to Stokely to detail the county's position on issues.

"I want this all handled in the light of day. I'm tired of all the letters. Let the commission deal with this," he said.

Hunter was referring to the latest battle between county officials and Stokely over an unpaid bill for office furniture.

Last week, Gay said the county had paid a past due bill for $1,890 in furniture that Stokely procured for his office back in May.

But the bill wasn't paid until Stokely threatened to sue the county for nonpayment to one of his suppliers.

While Gay maintains the Finance Department pays more than 40,000 invoices a year and this one was overlooked, Stokely said the bill should have been paid a long time ago.

In a letter to Gay dated July 24, Stokely said Gay had carried the invoices to the Coweta County Commission and they had refused to pay them.

"It is unconscionable to think that I have to beg to have the bills of this office paid, no less than submitting three times for bills that are more than 60 days past due," he said.

This is not the first time Stokely has tangled with county officials. When the County Commission failed to approve $4,000 for an employee's raise, Stokely took a second job as a truck driver to pay the raise out of his own pocket.

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