Wednesday, August 1, 2001

Gunnins stay busier than many half their age

Olen Gunnin was a member of a "small family," he says.

Having "only" eight brothers and two sisters to grow up with in East Point may explain why a schedule that would overwhelm most doesn't seem to phase him.

He and wife Ora Jean moved to Fayette County just a few years ago but they have already made their mark.

They are active members in the Tyrone Christian Church and the Fayette County Republican Party, involved in the Fraternal Benefits Organization, the Traveler's Protective Association of America and are still active members of the East Point Historical Society, traveling to meetings every Thursday.

Olen is currently serving as the President of the Historical Society. Ora Jean says, "A lot of our friends from East Point now live here, and we still have strong ties to the community."

Olen said, "I was born in East Point 78 years ago and lived there for 75 of those years."

Olen was elected to the East Point City Council in 1970, serving 20 years. He holds the record for longevity in the office. He has served as an Elder for the East Point Christian Church, the West Side Christian Church and First Christian Church in Tyrone.

The couple helped form the Russell High School Alumni Association and still help with the reunions. The last reunion attracted over 2000. They were also active in the Fulton County Republican Party and say they have "voted Republican since high school."

Olen fought in World War 11 along with five of his brothers. He served in the Army with one brother, another served in the Navy and three were in the Air Force. The family was lucky all the brothers came home from the war, although one was injured in the Battle of the Bulge.

He volunteered in 1942 and served until 1945. In 1943 he married and realized that as a "big corporal" he "couldn't support a wife on the pay" so he opted to go to Officer Candidate School. After graduation he served in the Quarter Master Corps as First Lieutenant.

Olen and Ora Jean met at church the pair were baptized on the same day, Easter Sunday, 1933. He says his high school sweetheart, "ran me down and caught me in '43." She quickly retorted, "I don't know how many who know us would believe that!"

After the military Olen worked for the Veteran's Administration for 7 years. During his tenure at the Veteran's Administration he attended law school in the evenings. He was admitted to the bar in 1950 and is still an active member of the Georgia Bar. He just received a certificate from the Bar for being an active member for 50 years. In 1952 he went to work for General Motors, staying with the company until he retired. Although he is still active, mainly in estate planning, he says he is "not looking for any business" and is an "attorney trying to be retired."

The couple chose to move to their home just outside of Tyrone to be closer to a daughter who lives in the county and another who lives in Coweta County. Lack of traffic and the great things they had heard about the area are also on their list of reasons for moving to Fayette. When asked if all the good things they had heard about Fayette County were true, they both chimed in concert an immediate "Yes."

Ora Jean also came from a "small" family, although she only had two brothers and six sisters. The former "Mrs. East Point (1964)," past President of the East Point Historical Society and past President of the East Point Women's Club stays as busy as Olen. She is currently serving on the Executive Committee of the Republican Party, active in the Republican Women's group and is active in the church. While her three children were growing up she was also active in the PTA, booster club and other school related activities.

Regarding her many activities Olen quipped, "Everyone says that when Ora Jean passes away someone will need to tell her to stop long enough for us to come get her."

Ora Jean added, "I hope we stay active until the day we die. I believe there is still something for us to do and if we can make a difference we're going to try."

The pair have three children and eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

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