The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, July 25, 2001

Homeowners on private streets in PTC will get city's expertise


Peachtree City homeowners living on privately owned streets will be getting some help from the city in maintaining those streets.

City officials have agreed to help seal cracks and patch private streets at cost for the homeowners associations typically responsible for the streets' upkeep. The city also has agreed to include the private streets in its annual street evaluation program.

Also, city crews will help inspect any work done on the private streets by contractors.

Mayor Bob Lenox said the assistance, which was approved by council Thursday night, will help homeowners on private streets save a lot of money.

"You can really double the life of the street and conserve their costs," Lenox said.

Some homeowners living on privately owned streets claim they were not informed they would have to pay for the streets' maintenance when they purchased their homes. A group of citizens sought the city's assistance with their street problems at council's March retreat.

Jim Williams, the city's director of developmental services, said maintaining streets "can be an expensive proposition."

The homeowners seeking relief initially wanted the city to take over all maintenance and repairs on the streets, which city officials resisted because the streets often aren't built to city specifications.

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