Friday, July 20
, 2001

Commission denies benefits for same sex partners


The Fulton County Commission defeated a proposal to extend benefits to domestic partners Wednesday, but Commissioner Bill Edwards said he believes the issue will come back to the board at a later date.

Only commissioners Karen Webster and Nancy Boxill supported the measure, but Edwards said his main problem was with the wording of the ordinance.

As it was written, the ordinance would extend benefits not only to same sex couples who have lived together for a year, but also to unmarried heterosexual couples.

"I don't have any problem with the homosexual aspect of the ordinance, but I do have a problem with what Commissioner Darnell called 'shacking up,'" he said.

Edwards said he had talked to a number of South Fulton residents who felt the same way he did. They did not have a problem with committed couples of the same sex getting benefits, but they didn't want to pay for couples who did not share the same commitment.

The commission also expressed concerns about what the measure would cost the county. Officials in DeKalb County recently passed a domestic partners benefits program and the county has had a small number sign up so far. The city of Atlanta also has a similar program.

Edwards said he was out of town last week and was ready to support the measure. But after studying the repercussions, he feels a better ordinance can be drafted.

"This has nothing to do with homosexuality," he said.

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