Friday, July 13, 2001

New fire, police buildings open to public July 22


Peachtree City's newest public safety buildings will be on display for the public Sunday, July 22 from 2-4 p.m.

The public is invited to visit the new police headquarters at 350 Hwy. 74 South and the new Leach Fire Station at 110 Paschall Road.

The police station features a security system including an extensive bank of video cameras and an electronic entry system. It also has a secure, gated parking lot in the rear for police vehicles and a computer system that monitors officers as they come and go.

The new fire station features a training room equipped with a computer-synchronized audio visual system. That room also doubles as the city's emergency operations center, with a bank of phones and computer lines at the ready should the need arise, said Fire Chief Stony Lohr.

The crew quarters includes cubicled beds giving personnel some extra privacy, Lohr noted. The station also has much more storage space, including a separate room to keep firehoses and a room to launder turnout gear so it lasts longer, Lohr noted.

Also included is a small library area where reference materials can be stored.

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