Friday, July 13, 2001

School councils are starting


Coweta County's first school council is up and running.

The councils are part of state House Bill 1187 and are used as advisory committees to help schools run smoother.

Coweta's first council is at Arnco-Sargeant Elementary School and Northgate High School and Smokey Road Middle School will start later this year.

The councils will all consist of two parents, two teachers, two members of the business community and the school's principal.

Business representatives were nominated by the schools and approved by the school board in May.

By law, school councils must be started in at least half of the county's schools by next year, with all schools to have councils by the year following that.

But the Coweta County School System may begin school councils in every school starting next year.

The councils' role is advisory, but potentially very influential. They can make recommendations on a variety of topics school calendars, dress codes, and so on.

The law requires that any recommendations made by a school council be placed on the school board's agenda and acted upon within 60 days.

Staff members at the initial three schools received initial training at West Georgia RESA this past spring.

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