Sunday, June 17, 2001

Racetrac developers appeal to City Council


Developers of a proposed convenience store and gas station have appealed to the Fayetteville City Council after their special exception request was rejected by the city's Planning and Zoning Commission.

The would-be Racetrac location is next to the traffic light at the southern entrance to Lowe's off Ga. Highway 85. Plans submitted to the city call for a 3,952-sq. ft. building with 20 gasoline pumps.

Initial concerns on the part of city staff included runoff from the site and architecture of the proposed building. The applicants have provided a letter from their engineering consultants describing the water quality structure they plan to use, and some minor architectural changes have been agreed upon since the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

There was also concern about a proposed outside pay booth and automatic teller machine, and the developers have expressed a desire to keep those facilities.

Since the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, city staff has reported satisfaction with changes to the proposed architecture, but the water quality issue is still being addressed, with some discussion taking place at Wednesday night's City Council work session.

The council is expected to vote on the matter at Thursday's regular meeting.

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