The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, June 6, 2001

Cox to run again, no matter what her district looks like


State Rep. Kathy Cox, R-Peachtree City, has ruled out a run for higher office in 2002 and is concentrating on the General Assembly's upcoming reapportionment session.

Cox, a teacher, considered seeking the state school superintendent's post next year when Linda Schrenko, the current superintendent, revealed that she is running for governor. Cox said she was approached by several people and gave the matter considerable thought during the recent legislative session but decided against it.

"When I got back to my regular life [after the session], I decided my kids are too young for me to do that," she said. "I'll still be running for my seat however it ends up looking."

That's the big question for all state legislators right now, as they prepare to meet this summer and hammer out an agreement for newly drawn House and Senate districts based on last year's U.S. Census numbers.

Rapid growth in Fayette during the past decade has led to all sorts of speculation about how many representatives the county could end up with, but the mostly Republican legislative delegation expects a strong Democratic effort to keep the state map in line with its own desires.

Several Republican legislators on the south side of Atlanta are planning to meet next week, Cox said, and GOP plans could be in place by June 15. She added that she has not been as active in the process lately while the school year was still going on.

A specific date has not yet been announced for the redistricting session, although late July or early August is a likely target, Cox said. One rumor making the rounds says that Gov. Roy Barnes has not set a date because the Democrats have not reached any agreement among themselves yet, but Cox said that was only a rumor.

Summer's political reshuffling puts Collins, Hecht in rumor mill