Sunday, May 27, 2001

Pssst! Here comes a new beginning

Contributing Writer

I don't have a clue what it was.

All I know is he, she, or it just kept saying "Pssst, Pssst, Pssst," over and over and over until I wanted to scream.

Try as I might, I am not a morning person. By that, I mean I do not hit the floor pretending for one moment to be a Mary Sunshine of the morning. And hitting it at all before there is actually a little sunshine showing is not my cup of tea no matter how strong its been brewed.

At any rate, on a recent Saturday morning, I awoke at 5:30 and my body said get up. Most unusual. My body never says get up at 5:30 am. I am a 7 a.m. soul and not ashamed of it in light of the fact that I often work until well past midnight.

Yet on this particular morning, and a Saturday at that, when I could easily have snuggled until 8 or 8:30, I awoke and it was 5:30. It was one of those awakenings that told me there was no use to turn over and try to return to the dreamland from which I just been abruptly pulled.

Reluctantly, but decidedly, I got up. Pulled on a robe. Took my thyroid pill. Poured a glass of tea I prefer iced, 24/7 and headed for the front porch to wait for the sun to come up.

I was delighted by the hush that reigned. Most unlike the late evening, when I sit out and listen to the sounds of the night. I really do not like all that nighttime chatter which some claim is like a lullaby. But the early morning quiet was awesome.

Then suddenly I heard that first "Pssst." Like when someone tries to get your attention in a hushed setting by saying, "Pssst, guess what." Same "Pssst."

Well, I ignored the first few sets of "Psssts." They seemed to come in sets of three. By early dawn I was really put out. The "Pssst" was no prelude to anything.

No secret had been forthcoming. No urgent news had been whispered in my direction. The incessant "Psssts" were nothing but an interruption to the glorious silence that had greeted me when I first walked out onto the porch.

Then suddenly, full dawn was upon me and the symphony began. Almost in unison the music filled the air. Mating doves seemed to have led, but I could not be sure because it was like all the sounds of the morning were competing to see who could sing the praises of this new day first.

And the "Pssst" was gone.

I don't know that I have ever been more curious about the origin of a sound.

When Daniel got up and joined me on the porch, I asked him about the "Pssst" sound. He didn't know but that doesn't mean he doesn't really know. Its just that we are such opposites, the way I describe something is seldom the way he perceives it. Plus, he's deaf in one ear so he may never have heard my "Pssst" sound before. At least not like I had heard it.

So, this is where you come in. If you have any idea what the creature is, write to me at PO Box 246, Gay, GA 30218. I have to know. I mean, what a job!

What an awesome responsibility to be the one to whisper, "Pssst," as if to say, "Get ready, here it comes!" every morning before the glorious music of the dawn unites all of nature in yet another harmonious celebration of one more new day. One more new beginning.

I figure the little "Pssst" creature that was irritating me to no end must have just wanted me to get ready. It probably wakes up early every morning in anticipation, and with such enthusiasm for the miracle of a new day that it just cant help whispering to all who will listen "Pssst, get ready, here it comes again!"

It is an awesome thing to be able to recognize the chance for a new beginning. The one who knows its coming probably cant contain itself. I will be a little more forgiving the next time the little "Pssst" creature invades my rare predawn silence.

With your help I might even have a name for it when I whisper a silent thank you to the Father of all new beginnings and acknowledge with this anonymous creature of the morning the absolute awe that accompanies one more chance to try again to get right it right.


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