Sunday, May 27, 2001

Holy Trinity continues growth trend


It is the first Catholic church in Fayette County and is now one of three.

The Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Peachtree City, began in 1973 with 55 families and now is a church home to over 3,000 families.

The current senior pastor is the Rev. John Walsh, who serves as its eighth church leader.

Just over two years ago the church rebuilt a sanctuary, office facilities, an all-purpose social/education hall and a rectory with a basement chapel to help meet the needs of a growing congregation.

Also in that time, a First Communicants ceremony has grown to 171 young people taking part and 180 taking part in each Confirmation class.

An adult group of about a dozen has just returned from a medical mission to Guatemala. A doctor in the congregation and a number of nurses oversaw the medical needs of 700 people.

This summer there will be a Vacation Bible School for several hundred children. About 20 youths will be heading to Jamaica during the summer to an orphanage, The Mustard Seed, and assist in taking care of children who have one kind of disability or another.

As in the case of many Fayette County churches, enough space is yet again a growing concern. Consequently, a fund-raising effort has just begun to purchase the land and medical building behind Holy Trinity.

A new road is expected to be built, allowing another way in and out of the church property as well as turning the medical building into a rectory that will accommodate four priests.

Church members also look forward to increasing the number of classrooms and to creating a "drop-in room," which would give teenagers a spot to come to after school.

The church's attention to its Spanish members has grown. There are two part-time employees who help conduct a Sunday School class in Spanish at 11:30 each Sunday morning and also at a mass in Spanish at 1:30 p.m. afterwards.

Other church services are: Rosary, said every Monday at 7:30 p.m. and every Wednesday evening in Spanish at 7:30. Sunday Mass schedule is Saturday Vigil at 6 p.m., Sunday at 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and noon. A Life Teen Mass is Sundays at 6 p.m.

The church is at 101 Walt Banks Road, just before the McIntosh High School, and can be reached at 770-487-7672.

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