Friday, May 18
, 2001

Fairburn putting the brakes on growth


Fairburn officials put the brakes on growth Monday night.

The City Council unanimously placed a 90-day moratorium on accepting any new subdivision plats. The moratorium started May 15 and is automatically renewable until next February, unless the city decides to end it.

City planner Bill Johnston explained the city needs the moratorium to catch its breath from the recent growth spurt.

"Right now, we have developments on the books that will increase our population from the 1990 Census figures of 4,000 to 13,000," he said.

The slowdown period will allow the city's staff and Planning Commission to review all zoning regulations concerning development and make sure the city is ready for the next round of growth, Johnston said.

Any plats that have been submitted prior to May 15 will still be allowed to continue and Councilman Gene Wiggins wanted to know if there was a way to quantify how many were "in the hopper."

City Administrator Tony Cox said if an individual has submitted his plan and paid the fee, he considers it as a viable plan that can still go through all the channels during the moratorium period.

Resident Tommy Thomas agreed with the council's decision.

"I think we're growing too fast," he said.

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