Friday, May 18, 2001 |
Lorraine Johnson named Teacher of the Year Lorraine Aiken Johnson, a seventh grade teacher at Arnall Middle School, is Coweta County's Teacher of the Year for 2001-2002. Finalists for the honor included Poplar Road special education teacher Janey Allen and Ruth Hill fourth grade teacher Linda Bohannon. All three teachers and their principals addressed a large crowd gathered at the Newnan Presbyterian Church fellowship hall for the 26th annual Teacher of the Year program, sponsored by Coweta County Schools and the Pilot Club of Newnan. Lorraine Aiken Johnson has worked in the Coweta system since 1984. She has previously been named TOTY at Arnco-Sargent and Central Middle. Arnall Principal Charles Smith described Johnson as a teacher who is never off duty, giving her the ultimate compliment of being one whom he wants to teach his own child. In her remarks to the assembly, Johnson spoke highly of the support system for teachers in Coweta County. She spoke highly of her former principals and fellow teachers, citing a specific example of her first principal, now associate Superintendent Winston Dowdell, actually helping her work with students in her classroom during her first year. Johnson now enters the competition for state teacher of the year and joins a long line of former Coweta TOTYs, two of whom have gone on to become Georgia Teacher of the Year, and many others who have reached the semifinalist and finalist level.