Sunday, May 6, 2001

Parades are fun, whether marching or watching


It takes guts and stamina to get out and march and carry a sign or ride in a parade vehicle during a parade.

This yearthe fourth annual March For Jesus will assemble May 12 at 9 a.m. at the Fayette County High School parking lot to decorate our church floats and vehicles. At 10 a.m. we will start our engines and feet and walk or ride the parade route and end up at the Fountain.

When I was in the army we used to say that if a man said he didn't like a parade, he would lie about anything. The idea was that all real soldiers loved a parade.

Personally, I am one of those people who dearly love a parade. Many soldiers, however, who had to get up at 4:30 and go to chow and press and starch their uniforms and go to one parade practice after another probably didn't love a parade as much as those who were watching. I have marched in them and stood and watched them and still love both watching one and being in one.

To me a parade is definitely a statement. There is usually a person in charge of the parade or the "grand marshal" who is certainly the honored guest. Then there is usually a theme that the floats or vehicles all portray.

There is a start time and a finish time and an approved route. There is usually music and unusual vehicles or floats which are also a statement. With some parades and marches there are speakers and speeches at the end.

This year for the fourth annual March for Jesus, all of the above is true.

For the overall theme for the parade and rally it will be "I'm not ashamed of the gospel." For the grand marshal we will be honoring Jesus of Nazareth. For the music, we will be lifting our voices in special praise to heaven.

It is very interesting that these marches for Jesus are catching on all across America and across denominational and racial barriers. I personally feel it is an idea that has been needed for a long, long time.

Maybe it's just me, but now whenever I drive past a church regardless of the denomination, I raise my hand to Almighty God and pray that the Holy Spirit will be welcome by the pastor and by the people of that church. I do this because I strongly feel that as time goes on and society goes further and further away from God, we are going to need all believers to band together for His kingdom's work.

Come out next Saturday and march or ride in a church float or vehicle and by doing so you will be saying, "I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ."

The Rev. Dr. Knox Herndon is the pastor of His House Community Church (SBC)and a former Army chaplain. The church has moved to its new location just below Senoia on Ga. Highway 85. Going south on Hwy. 85, cross Ga. Highway 16, and the church is a mile ahead on the right just below the fire station. If you are not in a church, you are welcome to visit. Church office and prayer line number is 770-719-2365. The e-mail address is


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