Sunday, May 6, 2001

Peachtree City Church of Christ plans busy summer


More than 175 families enjoy worship each week at the Peachtree City Church of Christ. This figure is up from the 16 people on hand for the first meeting about 17 years ago.

At that time the developer of Peachtree City was offering to give three acres of land to allow the group to build and enter a new building just two years after its first meeting.

Eleven years ago construction was underway again and the congregation now inhabits a 350-seat auditorium.

There will be a number of new activities taking place this summer. Youth from the ages of 9 to 18 will be attending a Bible camp, which will be off-campus, and a Vacation Bible School for those younger will be given at the church.

A "Summer Series" will be given for adults, based on Hebrews 11, which tells of the faith various people had in God and the lesson for us today.

The church has declared this as the "Year of Faith" and will be holding classes throughout June, July and August on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. Study will be on Romans 10:17 "So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes by the preaching of Christ."

An event held last year was so successful they are repeating it again this year. An a cappella singing will be held the last Friday in July.

In September a class will be held in "Marriage Enrichment."

"We are especially pleased," said its pastor. the Rev. Aubrey Johnson, "to have installed a dual projection system we use along with special programs and some sermons. A slide projects on each side of the pulpit and enhances the subject matter."

He proposes to not only his congregation but to all, to remember and live by I Thessalonians 5:11 - "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."

Bible study is held each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m., worship service is at 10:30 a.m., and Sunday evening worship is at 6 p.m. with a Wednesday night Bible class at 7 p.m.

The church is located at 201 S. Peachtree Parkway and can be reached at 770-487-9246.


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