Friday, May 4
, 2001

Rico residents to get waer


Rico residents will soon be getting county water.

That's the word from Fulton County Commissioner Bill Edwards after meeting with folks in the small South Fulton community Monday night.

Edwards told the residents that nearly 100 taps would be available from the Atlanta to Coweta water line that's running through the southern part of the county.

"I think it was a good meeting. I told the folks that I can't control what happened in the past. I can only work toward the future," he said.

Edwards expects it will take nearly two years for all the approved taps to be run, but said this is a start in providing services to the community.

The commissioner also said that $150,000 has been approved for dust abatement on some of the dirt roads near Rico.

Residents have been clamoring for years for Fulton County to do something about the dusty conditions and Edwards was able to secure the funding to spray down the roads twice a year.

The commissioner said residents asked him to check on other services that might be available to the residents and he pledged to come back in 60 days with more information.

"This was just a down payment on my commitment to them. I'll be seeing what else I can do in the next two months," he said.



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