Friday, May 4
, 2001

Edwards: No to power plant 'dumping ground'


Until he gets more information, Fulton County Commissioner Bill Edwards would be opposed to the proposed massive power plant on Peters Road, he said.

Williams Corp. announced two weeks ago its intention of building a 1,230-megawatt energy supply facility on Peters Road near Fairburn.

The 288-acre site borders Fayette County and is in a 500-acre undeveloped area between Ga. Highway 138, Peters Road, Lester Road and Ga. Highway 92. Company officials are pledging to use only 30 acres on the site for the facility.

"The other 258 acres would be preserved as green space," said project director Dan Skizim.

The project, called the Fulton Energy Center, is projected to be up and running in 2004 if it is approved and jumps the necessary regulatory hurdles. During the construction phase Skizim said between 400 and 700 jobs would be generated. When the plant is operational, 40 to 50 workers would staff the facility.

He said the plant would generate up to $1 million in tax revenue to Fulton County and have a minimal impact on county services, such as roads and schools.

Edwards said his biggest concern with the project is the environmental impact.

"I've heard everything about how it's supposed to be clean and preserving green space, but I want the specific impacts," he said.

The commissioner has been outspoken on environmental concerns in his district and maintains he wants only good clean development in the county.

"I will not let South Fulton County be a dumping ground," he said.

The commissioner is still seeking more information on the project and believes the process in approving or denying the project will be time-consuming.

One resident of the area has expressed more concern about the actual construction of the plant than its operation. Giant construction equipment will have to get in and out of the site using local roads, she said.



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