Friday, April 27, 2001

Commissioners head to New York to get rate break


The Coweta County Commission is hoping a New York state of mind can save the county thousands of dollars.

Three commissioners leave Monday for a quick trip to the Big Apple to try and get the county's water bonds rated higher.

Officials are looking to issue nearly $35 million in bonds to construct new water lines throughout the county and also to refinance some existing debt.

County commissioners Lawrence Nelms, Vernon "Mutt" Hunter and Jim McGuffey will try to convince officials at Moody's that the county's rating needs to be moved from A1 to AA.

If they're successful, the county could save up to $200,000, said County Administrator Theron Gay.

The county contingent will arrive late Monday afternoon and has presentations scheduled all day Tuesday before heading back to the county.

The county has approved $15,000 for the trip, but Gay said that is a maximum amount and he does not figure the county will spend nearly that amount.

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