Wednesday, April 25, 2001

Health Wise
A walk in the woods


It was Easter Sunday. Hard rain had fallen most of the day, but the sun decided to peek through the clouds by mid afternoon.

West Nile Virus
Georgia Takes Precautions to Prevent the Arrival of an Unwanted Guest
Tenet acquires South Fulton Medical Center

South Fulton Medical Center has been acquired by a subsidiary of Tenet Healthcare Corporation.

Cancer screenings available this weekend

April is Cancer Control Month and Georgians have an opportunity to take action and participate in free colon, skin, breast, and prostate cancer screenings this Saturday, April 28, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.

Violence prevention program presented to high schoolers

During the past school year, more than 1,500 high school students in Fayette County participated in a classroom event that has the potential to change and even save lives.

Tobacco use responsible for one in six deaths in Georgia

In Georgia, tobacco use is not only responsible for about 87 percent of all lung cancer cases, but it is also associated with coronary heart disease and stroke.

What happens after Lasik surgery?

Emory Eye Center researcher Henry Edelhauser, Ph.D. and co-workers have completed a three-year study on Emory University Eye Center patients who underwent a laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) procedure, a refractive surgery to correct eyesight.

Piedmont Hospital award granted to establish new organ transplant clinic

The Carlos and Marguerite Mason Trust has awarded Piedmont Hospital a $750,000 grant to establish a new and expanded organ transplant clinic, which will enhance previous clinic services and existing organ transplant program.