Friday, April 20, 2001

School Board Briefs

The Fulton County Board of Education was one of 23 school boards across the country to receive the National School Boards Association's Magna Award.

The award recognizes the school system's Model for Excellence as a "bold and innovative approach to school improvement and student learning."

News of the award was announced during this month's board meeting. In other board action:

National science scholar

Roswell High senior Rishi Vasudeva was recognized as a finalist in the nation's most prestigious high school science competition, the Intel Science Talent Search. Vasudeva received a college scholarship, computer, and trip to Washington, D. C. where President George W. Bush gave a personal White House tour, and Vice President Dick Cheney presided at a recognition luncheon.

National certification

Three more Fulton teachers have earned certification from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards. The board congratulated Deanna Rogers, Ocee Elementary, Betty Swanson, Dolvin Elementary and Polly Williamson, Hapeville Elementary, for meeting the rigorous standards.

Currently, seven Fulton teachers are board-certified, with 67 others going through the process.

Westlake High senior Antron Morgan is the system's first diver to earn All-America status, while Stonewall Tell Elementary teacher Lisa Sinon is the 2001 Georgia Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year.

Instructional services

Technology use in the Fulton County School System highlighted this month's Spotlight on Achievement. Board members received an overview of the Technology Services Strategic Plan, including new initiatives such as the data warehouse, ParentConnect, distance learning, wireless technology, and an updated, redesigned Web site.

Summer school

The Summer Accelerated Learning Experience will be offered again this year, with expanded sites and courses. The program provides 20 additional full days of learning. Last year, more than 9,000 students were served in first through 12th grade, with a similar number expected for this year.

Curriculum items

The board received several curriculum items for first reading, including:

F Curriculum revisions for the career technology program;

F New courses to implement with the 2001-2002 school year (these courses have been piloted during the 2000-2001 school year);

F Proposed mathematics textbooks for algebra III and concepts of probability and statistics,

Charter school petition

The charter school petition submitted for the Academy of Fulton County received approval, with the understanding that the petitioner will make necessary editorial changes to the petition. The charter school proposes to focus on student achievement by infusing an entrepreneurial curriculum into the Georgia Quality Core Curriculum standards. The five-year charter begins with the 2002-2003 school year.

Other items

The board approved a list of 16 courses to be piloted next year, with possible full implementation in the fall of 2002.

A list of student field trips received approval, along with out-of-state travel for employees and out-of-system travel for board members.

Legislative update

Jim Welsh, director of legislative affairs, summarized the education action taken during the 2001 Georgia General Assembly. Changes to the 2002 legislative position statements from the Georgia School Boards Association received approval.

Policies and procedures

The board approved changes in policy governing graduation requirements for the class of 2001 and accepted for first reading similar changes for the other graduating classes.

Action on the local, area and superintendent's advisory committee policy was postponed.

The policy governing charter schools was revised, while the accompanying procedures were rescinded since they now are incorporated into policy.

The Board also received the updated policies and procedures review schedule.

Personnel actions

The Personnel Action Report and the superintendent's recommendations for promotion and separation received approval, including:

Promotions: Jennifer Banks, from accounting clerk in the budget development and control office, to budget analyst III in that office; Marcia Spielberger, from teacher on special assignment as foreign language coordinator, to coordinator of foreign language; Steve Curry, from Findley Oaks Elementary assistant principal, to principal at that school; Frances Boyd, from Taylor Road Middle assistant principal, to principal at that school.

Retiring: Christopher Anderson, Woodland Elementary assistant principal.

Support services

The monthly purchasing report received approval. The per transaction charge limit for the purchase card program increased from $1,000 to $1,500 and the monthly total charge limits increased from $5,000 to $10,000.

Construction reports

The board approved a lease request from Landmark Christian School for the Garwood Stadium property and approved infrastructure improvements to the Administrative Center and High Point Elementary.

Business services

The monthly financial, budget management and reconciliation, and tax collection reports were received for information. The board approved the sale of $54 million in special local option sales tax construction notes in order to earn additional interest revenue and provide ongoing funds for the capital construction program.

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