The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, April 18, 2001

Officials to name regional water representative


Fayette County commissioners and the mayors of Fayetteville and Brooks will meet in the near future to choose a representative to serve on the new regional water board.

Established by the General Assembly at the urging of Gov. Roy Barnes this year, the new superagency, dubbed the North Georgia Water Planning District, will oversee water production and conservation policies for the 13 county Atlanta region, including Fayette.

"I think we have to really take this seriously," said County Commission Chairman Greg Dunn last week. "I think it's very critical that we have good representation on that board."

Fayette has fared much better than some metro counties during the current drought, now in its fourth year, and local officials attribute that to local planning efforts. The fear, said Dunn, is that the new regional board will want to distribute Fayette water to counties that haven't planned quite as well.

Under the state law creating the board, Fayette is allowed one representative, to be chosen by the commissioners along with the mayors of cities that have water withdrawal permits Fayetteville and Brooks. Peachtree City's withdrawal permit is held by the Water and Sewer Authority, a separate entity from the city government.

Officials are comparing calendars this week in hopes of meeting within the next week or two.

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