The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Local students to march in CCSU inauguration

Many of Clayton College & State University's outstanding students, including four from Fayette, will be taking part in the April 12 inauguration of the university's third president, Thomas K. Harden, Ph.D.

Harden's on-campus inauguration ceremony will begin at 10:30 a.m. with a formal academic procession from the Harry S. Downs Center for Continuing Education to the university's Athletics and Fitness Center, where an expected crowd of approximately 1,000 will witness the inauguration and Harden's investiture as president by University System of Georgia Chancellor Stephen R. Portch.

In addition to Clayton State faculty and 23 visiting representatives of other institutions of higher education, the Clayton State student body will be represented in the procession by outstanding students from the university's five schools and four leaders of the Student Government Association.

Among them will be SGA President Brian Magill of Rex, Ga., one of the official platform party and a speaker, welcoming Harden on behalf of the student body. SGA representative and editor-in-chief of the student newspaper Kevin Dixon of Fayetteville also will march in the procession.

The School of Arts and Sciences also will be represented in the procession by a group including the Clayton State Honors Program's Raechel Nebergall of Tyrone.

Nursing major Cheryl Paullin of Fayetteville will be among those marching for the School of Health Science.

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