The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Republicans choose district leaders, eye elections


More than 230 Republicans gathered in Coweta County at Northgate High School Saturday to select the 3rd congressional District chairman.

Ten counties including Fayette were represented.

Two candidates vied for district chairman: Barbara Scruggs from Coweta County and Rob Doll from Muscogee County. Scruggs has held the chairmanship for the past year, completing Peter Pfeifer's term after his resignation.

Two elected officials from Fayette County, County Commission Chairman Greg Dunn and State Court Solicitor Steve Harris, were included in the 48 delegates selected to represent the county's Republican Party. The county was allocated 60 delegates, a number based on the voting Republican strength in the county and the percentage of voter turnout. Fayette ranks as one of the number one Republican counties in the state, and also boasts one of the highest voter turnouts.

Forty-eight delegates and alternates from Fayette attended. Convention registration opened at 9 a.m. with an official starting time of 10 a.m. Coweta County was allocated 44 delegates and was one of only three counties that filled their quotas.

State Sen. Mitch Seabaugh, state Rep. Lynn Smith and Rep. Lynn Westmoreland were included in the Coweta County delegation. Seabaugh and Westmoreland spoke to the group prior to the beginning of the official business of the convention. Both encouraged Republicans to work toward electing a Republican House, Senate and governor in upcoming elections and highlighted some important issues facing the state in the near future.

The overall tone of the convention was enthusiastic, upbeat and positive. Many conversations revolved around the change of leadership in the White House.

Robert "Rob" Doll was easily elected as the new chairman for the 3rd District party. His strong background and grass roots preparation were two strengths cited as reasons for their support by many who voted for him.

He is a graduate of Florida State University. His work history includes four years in the U. S. Army, a short stint as deputy assistant attorney general and deputy secretary of labor in Florida and ownership or co-ownership of a number of small businesses.

His active Republican roots go back to 1975 when he started the Bay County Young Republicans. He served as president of the group, was national committeeman for the Young Republicans for two years, and was county chairman for Reagan for President 1979-80 and 1983-84.

He was the county or district chairman for a number of others seeking office, including Connie Mack, U.S. Senate, Florida. He served as the county chairman for George Bush for President and state finance cochairman and northwest Florida chairman for Bob Dole for President. He has served on numerous committees and held many elected positions in both Florida and Muscogee County, Ga. and was a delegate to the Republican National Conventions in 1992 and 1996.

Many of the district delegates will also be attending the state Republican Convention as delegates or alternates in May. The two-day convention will be in Cobb County this year, May 4 and 5. Two of the three candidates running for the state Republican chairman position attended the 3rd District Convention Saturday hoping to sway the undecided to vote for them in May. Maria Strollo and David Shafer both spoke briefly to the group, outlining the reasons for voting for them. Ralph Reed also is running for the position.

In addition to selecting the chairman, other 3rd District office holders were elected. Fayette County was well represented in the elections. Kathy Chamberlin was elected third vice chairman, Lane Watts fourth vice chairman and Carl Davis was elected to serve as finance chairman. Jean Studdard and Kathy Chamberlin were also elected to serve on the state Executive Committee. Marilyn Watts served as resolutions chairman for the convention.

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