The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Commission to consider incentive program


In the future, Fayette County employees who think up ways to make your government better, less expensive or more efficient may be rewarded.

County commissioners Thursday will consider a plan to provide incentives such as cash awards and extra time off to help stimulate workers' creativity.

"This will give them a vested interested in wanting to make the county run smoother," said Commissioner Linda Wells.

Wells several months ago asked County Administrator Chris Cofty to look into the idea, acknowledging that it wasn't a front burner item.

Cofty appointed a committee of employees to come up with a plan, and the group recently completed its work, drawing glowing words of praise from Wells.

"They have done a fantastically good job," she said during last week's commission work session.

She asked fellow commissioners to study the proposal and put it on a future agenda, but commissioners said they could be ready to vote on the matter in a week's time.

They'll consider the proposal Thursday at 7 p.m. in the commission meeting room at the county Administrative Complex.

The proposal is the only item on the regular agenda. Three minor proposals, plus approval of a previous meeting's minutes, are on the consent agenda to be voted on all at one time.

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