Sunday, March 25, 2001

Like father, like son


While we were serving at Fort Wainwright, in Fairbanks, Alaska, we conducted a program at the post chapel entitled "Dad The Family Shepherd."

I have written about this before but I just wanted to draw a parallel of how the influence of our fathers affects our lives in so many ways.

In this program we learned of how a father affects a minimum of six generations. In other words, if a father has a good habit it is passed on or a bad habit is also passed to the next six generations. His personality and how he lived affects us even from the grave.

Ask yourself, are you becoming like your parents? There was a book written that sold more copies than many best sellers years ago.I apologize for not having the correct title here but it went something like, "Oh No, I have become just like her." It was all about how a daughter had a very strong mother and they clashed often, but as she grew older, she became just like her.

I realize society has become more and more diverse and even crazy at times, but we still emulate, and are affected by, our parents. God intended for us to have Godly parents to mentor us and lead us toward goodness and to motivate us to serve Him and to live in harmony with our fellow man.

With the "fall of man" this plan has been perverted and consequently we have reaped what we have sown." What an interesting idea, sowing and reaping. I wonder where that idea came from?

If I could have become just like my father, it would have been the joy of my life. I certainly realize that God made all of us different and has made us in His image and we must do our own thing, so to speak, in life and all of that, but Dad was tops in my books.

He had the ability to bring joy to most every situation. Neither my father nor my mother were, as they say in the South, "crepe hangers." Have you ever known people who were "crepe hangers"? These were people who loved to be down and out and loved funerals where they could be sad and morbid. Funerals were a place that fit their personalities.

In fact they would look over the newspaper and go to as many funerals as possible. Often they would not even know the deceased in the casket at the funeral home. In one church I pastored, it was in a rural setting and it was interesting the responses you would get if you would greet them with a simple "How are you?" They would respond with, "I'm no count."

It even appeared that these people all had one thing in common their mouths eventurned down on the ends when they talked. I believe they grew that way from frowning so much over the years.

Dad also came from a rural setting but whereever he went, God's joy was there with him.

As I read Scripture, I don't perceive Jesus to be a "crepe hanger." In fact he broke up every funeral he attended.

It was very interesting how Dad's influence affected my life. He and I both were ministers and both became Army chaplains. We ended up serving in the 3rd Battalion of the 325th Airborne Infantry. When Dad was there it was 3rd of the 325thGIR (Glider Infantry Regiment), and when I was there it was 3rd of the 325th PIR (Parachute Infantry Regiment). Mother said we never had a normal family because Dad crashed planes for a living in the gliders and her son jumped out of planes in a parachute.

We both married strong Christian women and believed in getting an education. We both started churches in different locations and preached the gospel message most of our adult lives. His philosophy became my philosophy.

Dad still speaks to me and our family even from the grave. His influence and faith and the joy of the Lord was such a part of his life that it continues on.

The beauty of the Christian life dedicated to God is that even if one's background wasnot of Christian roots, we can startwith a clean slate again and again. Praise the Lord it is so!

The Rev. Dr. Knox Herndon is the pastor of His House Community Church (SBC), and a former Army chaplain. The church has moved to its new location just below Senoia on Ga. Highway 85. Going south on Hwy. 85 you cross Ga. Highway 16; the church is a mile on the right just below the fire station. If you are not in a church, visit His House. Church office and prayer line 770-719-2365; e-mail

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