Sunday, March 25, 2001

March brings memories of an unforgettable Easter

Religion Columnist

At the Chancey house, we're in the middle of our annual spring birthday run.

My birthday falls March 15, my daughter Ruth's is March 30, and my daughter Rachel's is April 15. Three birthday cakes in a month!

Depending on the quirk of the calendar, often the girls' birthdays fall on Easter. Fifteen years ago, Ruth gave us an Easter we'll never forget.

We were serving our first pastorate after seminary in the Indianapolis suburb of Carmel. We rented for a few months before making an offer on our first home.

I did my thirty-minute part in the community Good Friday service, then rushed downtown with the real estate agent to close on the house and sign our life away. We were the proud parents of two preschool girls, were about two weeks away from the birth of our third child, were excited about our first church, and had just bought our first home. It was a happy time.

Friday night we packed late into the night and then fell into bed to rest up for the big move the next day. Early Saturday morning, church members showed up with willing backs and a U-Haul truck and we began our all-day ordeal.

Back and forth we went, loading and unloading until the move was completed late in the afternoon. Boxes awaited unpacking, but we'd get to that little by little in the days ahead.

At 11:15 on the night before Easter, the biggest preaching day of the church year, I glanced over my sermon notes and fell into bed exhausted. Thirty minutes later, my eight-and-a-half-month pregnant wife woke me up and said, "We've got to get to the hospital. This baby's coming," or something to that affect.

Adrenaline kicked in and we sprang into action. We knew no neighbors, had no telephone connected and had to think fast about getting a baby sitter for our two sleeping preschoolers.

I jumped into some clothes and drove about two miles to a church member's house and rang the doorbell. I felt like the man knocking on his neighbor's door at midnight in the story Jesus told. The teenage daughter answered.

I said, "you're not going to believe this, but Amy's water broke and we've got to get to the hospital. Can I use your phone and can you come over and stay with the girls?"

I reached Dr. Moore and had an unbelievable conversation.

"Dr. Moore, this is David Chancey. My wife's water just broke and we're on the way to the hospital. We'll see you there."

"Well, let me speak to her." These doctors never think the husbands know what they're talking about.

"Dr. Moore, she's not here. I'm not at my house. We just moved into our new house today and our telephone is not hooked up yet. She can't speak to you."

"But I'd really like to speak to your wife to see what's going on."

"Dr. Moore, my wife is an R.N. We've had two babies already. She's not here, so she can't speak to you, but her water broke and we're going to the hospital."

I think he was aggravated about possibly missing the Easter bunny at his house, but he reluctantly agreed to meet us.

We got our daughters taken care of, and arrived at St. Vincent's Hospital. Ruth was born several hours later and we celebrated the safe arrival of our Easter baby. Dr. Moore did the delivery and made it home in plenty of time to see his kids find their Easter baskets.

At 6 a.m. I decided to leave so I could get home in time to see the girls get up on Easter morning and also catch my breath before I had to be at church. Only, my car wouldn't start. I had to call a church member to come pick me up at the hospital, then had to scrounge up a ride to church.

I got to church and greeted well-rested members who were shocked at what we had been up to all night after moving all day Saturday. News spread like wild fire that we had a baby Ruth who was born Easter morning. I baptized five people, preached the Easter message, and new members joined our church. It was a great day!

Whenever it falls, whether March 30 or April 15, Easter reminds us to celebrate the gift of life, and especially the new life that is available to each of us through the risen Savior, Jesus Christ.

Dr. David L. Chancey is pastor of McDonough Road Baptist Church in Fayetteville. The McDonough Road Baptist family cordially invites you to join them this Sunday for Bible study at 9:45 a.m. and worship at 10:55 a.m. and 6 p.m.

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