The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, February 28, 2001

Tree ordinance still under review


Changes to Fayette County's tree protection law will be discussed in at least one more work session before being offered to the public for input.

The county Planning Commission is considering a new section of the ordinance that deals with commercial logging operations.

Changes being considered would require a 50-foot untouched buffer around property being clear cut, and would require retention of at least ten six-inch diameter trees per acre in addition to the buffers.

"We're trying to lessen the impact of this type operation, in this suburban county, on the adjacent property," said county engineer Ron Salmons as the Planning Commission discussed the changes last week.

If the changes are approved, timbering companies also will be required to gravel the entrance to any timbering site, to prevent trucks from tracking mud onto roads. And if they do track mud, they'll have to clean it up.

"We fight this battle on mud on our roads and streets everyday," said Salmons.

Cleanup after the timbering is finished also is addressed, but a forestry representative last week convinced commissioners to take another look before enacting one requirement. Under proposed changes, companies would be required to clean up all debris from clear-cut sites, but the forestry representative said leaving the debris on the ground for at least a year actually helps prevent soil erosion until the site can be replanted.

Salmons will rework some sections of the regulations and bring the changes back to the commission for more discussion March 15.

If the Planning Commission approves the changes, its recommendation will go to the county Board of Commissioners for final action.

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