Sunday, February 25, 2001

Let's try an exercise together

Contributuing Writer

I'm back on the "voice" again today. Can't get away from it.

It's two in the afternoon on a Friday and I usually have finished writing my column, e-mailed it and moved on to other things by now. I just wrote about the voice about two weeks ago and I don't think it's appropriate to write about it again so soon. But who am I?

The voice has been with me since I was born. As far back as I can remember the silent whisperings to my soul have been louder and stronger than any other audible words leveled in my direction. In fact, those audible words are far easier to ignore than the silent whispers that come from the voice.

A couple of weeks ago I told you about the purse that I found in Macon and how the voice led me to it. A day or so later I received an e-mail from a writer and psychic (no, I don't like the term either, and she prefers to call herself an intuitive reader, but our culture is stuck on the term "psychic"). Anyway, she wrote to ask me to take a look at a new book she has written, recently published by DK Publishing Inc., entitled "Divine Intuition, Your Guide to Creating a Life You Love," ISBN 0-7894-6768-2.

Somewhat reluctantly I agreed. Yep, I'm just as skeptical as you are, maybe more so. I mean, I follow the voice almost 80-85 percent of the time now (I'm working toward 100 percent) but I'm still doubtful. Shucks, I've argued with myself (the voice) all morning about this column. You'll see why as I continue.

Okay, the book came two days ago. I didn't open it for several hours. Didn't really have time, or so I kept telling myself. But I finally tore into the package and there on the front cover are two hands surrounded by light, one cupped over the other, not quite touching, but reaching ... I can't really describe the feeling that came over me when I looked at the art/picture. The cover is deeply engaging. I decided it was worth taking a look.

I have skimmed the pages, read the introduction. The author, Lynn A. Robinson, M.Ed., describes the way she became an intuitive reader, or practicing psychic. In the introduction, she tells us why she wrote the book: "It is not intended to be a book about what I think God wants you to do. It also is not a book about my conversations with God. This book is about listening, feeling, and experiencing God's presence through your divine birthright your intuition."

She continues: "People call God by many names: Higher Consciousness, The Universe, Divine Wisdom, to name but a few. Every person has a unique sense of the meaning of the word "God." To me, the concept of God means an invisible intelligence that animates our world and provides wisdom and love to guide our lives."

Her words, not mine.

The author says she often jokes about how she thinks we should all come with an instruction manual or a tape like on the television series "Mission Impossible," that says, "This is your mission should you choose to accept it."

She had my attention. She went on to say, and I agree, that we do come with such an instruction device built in. It, too, is called by many names. The one catch, in my opinion, is it takes faith to believe in the instructions.

Indeed, I am of the belief, not an opinion, but strong belief, that we have this built-in antennae that we can send out toward whatever voices we may choose to hear. Once we hear them, then we must decide if we will follow.

Then, there is always the option of following no lead, just doing it (living life) our own way. Frank Sinatra made a fortune off a song that supports the idea. That "my way" mind set has been popular through the ages.

So, where am I going with this? I've decided to read this book, cover to cover. When I am finished, it might make the shelves where I keep my favorite books, be donated to the library, or get trashed (even burned - I've burned more than one book). I don't know. What I am going to ask you to do, if you are so inclined, is to get a copy and read along with me.

If you are game, write to me at P.O. Box 246, Gay, GA 30218 and include a contact phone and/or fax number. In a few weeks, you and I will get together (maybe on a Saturday morning in the spring) and discuss the book, intuition, our perceptions of God, etc. I look forward to hearing from you.

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