Sunday, January 28, 2001

Supernatural Sunday


As you know, this Sunday weekend will probably be the most-watched game of football of the year where the super Titans will clash in mortal combat in the Super Bowl. Something just as awesome and just as special to us will also be taking place.

At our "Church Alive in the doublewide on 85" His House Community Church will be dealing with some supernatural action of our own. We will be dedicating our new church building.

For a church that began over three-and-a-half years ago in a school and then to the American Legion Log Cabin and then to another school and then back to the Log Cabin, it is supernatural to have a place of our own.

What is even more supernatural is where some of the support is coming from.

We have a couple, from Normal, Ill., That faithfully sends a tithe check every month. Support has come from Orangevale, Calif. A check comes in each month from Dallas, Texas. A family member helps out from Baltimore.

We also get support from a couple from beautiful Loveland, Colorado, and finally we have a support couple from the largest state in the union, Alaska.

Bill and Pat O'Halloran live in one of my most favorite places in the world Fairbanks, Alaska. They operate "North Country River Charters" out of Fairbanks and their computer.

They plan to one day "winter out" here and go back for the fishing and hunting seasons each year. I go up each year for the hunting and fishing as their chaplain. I could write volumes about these supportive people but one day you will be able to meet them in person.

Supernatural Sunday for us will include the many, many weekly faithful who every week trust God with their finances and bring in their tithes and offerings into your church and our church as the store houses of The Lord. Without this Godly doctrine, the church would not go forward at the same level.

Think about it! What other organizations operate on such faith that first, the money will come in, and secondly, that the resources will be used for God's work here on earth?

There are too many to mention who give of their time and talents each week to the Lord's work. To God be the glory, great things He has done! I hope you are in a church this Supernatural Sunday.

If you are in a church, I want to ask you to remember us in prayer on this particular Sunday. If you are not, please come and visit us. We will be having one of our famous covered dish meals. Don't worry about bringing any food, there will be plenty. God bless you.

The Rev. Dr. Knox Herndon is the pastor of His House Community Church (SBC) and a substitute school teacher in the Fayette County school system, and a former Army chaplain. The church has moved to its new location just below Senoia on Ga. Highway 85. Going south on Hwy. 85, cross Ga. Highway 16 and the church is a mile on the right just below the fire station. Prayer line is 770-719-2365 and the e-mail address is

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