Friday, January 26, 2001

PTC police urge caution with scooters


The scooters that have become all the rage recently carry a potential inherent danger: the possibility of serious head injury if the rider doesn't wear a helmet.

According to Police Chief Jim Murray, although Georgia law requires young bike riders to wear helmets, Peachtree City Attorney Rick Lindsey has said it doesn't apply to scooters. Instead of adopting a local ordinance to fill the loophole, Murray recommended to the City Council that other measures be taken to insure safety for scooter riders.

The Police Department is developing a pamphlet warning of the dangers of not using a helmet, Murray told council at its meeting last week. He said a public campaign to encourage helmet use would also be effective.

Murray also suggested that the Recreation Department help parents by closing some parking lots on weekends to allow children to practice on their scooters, bikes and roller blades in a controlled area.

Murray added that the use of knee and elbow pads was also important as a safety precaution for scooter riders.

Although parental education on this issue is important, Murray said the topic would also be addressed with local schoolchildren through the Police Department's DARE officers in the classes they teach.

Councilwoman Annie McMenamin agreed, saying that children can often take responsibility on their own when asked to. Sometimes, children are the ones reminding parents to buckle up in motor vehicles, she said.

The information could also be disseminated on the city's cable access channel and in the monthly city newsletter to residents, Murray said.

Some safety recommendations from the department include:

Allow only one person on a scooter at a time.

Be careful when riding downhill since it may be harder to stop.

Always follow the rules of the road and be aware of your surroundings.

A scooter should never be pulled by a car, truck, golf cart or other motorized vehicle.

Make sure protective gear fits and does not interfere with vision, movement or hearing.

Ride on smooth surfaces and stay away from water, sand gravel and dirt.

Avoid riding scooters in areas with vehicular traffic.

Don't ride scooters after dark.

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