The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Board to ponder construction options


Construction options will be on the minds of Fayette
County Board of Education members when they convene Thursday.

A special called meeting is set for Thursday at 1:30 p.m. to formally issue $65 million in bonds for school construction.

Following that action, the group will have a workshop meeting to discuss how it wants to manage the spending of that money.

During Monday's regular board meeting, staff presented the board with a set of definitions of the various options for a construction manager.

The group must decide whether to hire a construction manager, an at-risk construction manager, an agency construction manager, a program manager, project manager, architect/engineer design team or an architectural representative.

In the past, facilities director Mike Satterfield has overseen construction projects without assistance, but consensus of the board is that the system has grown too large for that.

In other action Monday, the board went into executive session to discuss a land purchase, then reconvened and voted 4-1, with Janet Smola opposed, to buy a lot next to East Fayette Elementary School for $15,000.

Board members were concerned the land might be used for some purpose that would increase traffic and congestion around the school, said Melinda Berry-Dreisbach, public information specialist.

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